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Many people will not agree with my title of this review.
I would like to make it short here.
1) The CUBE (to be completed in 2012)
2) VIVO Puteri (to be launch in mid 2012)
It is just a 5min walking distance to these happening places.
1100 to 1300 sft generally, was selling below 300K back in 2006. Now market valuation for a 1300sft could go up to 500K. This is the valuation without taking the consideration of both project i mention above.
Look at Setia Walk selling price now. 1000sft selling for 450-550K.I believe when IOI complete these project maybe 4-5 years later, Aseana Puteri price could gone up to 600K to 700K, a very conservative estimation from me.
If you are buying for own stay, their facilities is up to the standard, tennis court, squash court, swimming pool, all on the land. Not like most condo which has their facilities on the same building with the condo.
I would say, you will never find another condo similiar to this in Aseana Puteri in the future.
As my survey, there are many HQ being set up in PGCC, and lot of foreigner demanding for a classy and safety condo to stay in.
I would suggest buyer/investor to buy now, unless you really hate Puchong traffic!
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