To comply with GDPR we will not store any personally identifiable information from you. Therefore we will serve sub-optimal experience where some features such as Login/Signup are disabled. However, you will be able to search and see all the properties, see agent contact details and contact them offline on your own.
As the Global Climate starts to Climb with more Ageing Population, buying and keeping at least a unit in the Cooling Midhills Genting Highland is an excellent idea for the future. You will definitely save a lot in the air-cond bills in this high energy cost era. Rent it out for the high demand in AirBnB or long/short till you are ready to take it back for self-usage. It is never a mistake and the return is better than the bank interest.
What do you do if you meet tenants who are reluctant to pay rentals and clear the utility! Learn to disconnect and re-connect the electricity thru TNB online.
Hope you find this useful.
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