When it comes to home security, you can never be too safe.
Don’t take the safety of you and your loved ones for granted; most homeowners who have experienced a home invasion would never imagine they’d be caught in such a situation.
Before you find yourself in something similar, here are some of the safety precautions you could take to ensure that the ones you care about are free from harm.
1) Light Up The Landscape
We all know that more crimes are committed in dark conditions. Therefore, the chances of a house getting robbed at night is higher, which is why it’s important to keep your home well lit.
So, be sure to light up the outside of your home, by installing lights that are motion-activated, or add more lights to both your front and back yards.
It is understandable that most of us are worried about running up our electricity bills, but you and your family’s safety should be a priority.
With that being said, you could swap to LED lights, which are more eco-friendly and do not use as much energy; they last longer too!
2) Install A Security System
Installing a security system can sound intimidating, but with all the different types of home security systems available now – you’re bound to find the right one for you.
You don’t need to get the fanciest technology that can rival Batman’s mansion!
Just get a system that you’re comfortable with, both in function and price, because it’ll be pointless to install something that is so confusing that the chances of you getting locked out of your house is higher than keeping out thieves.
You could opt to just add security cameras, security alarms or electronic locks to your door if you just want a basic but foolproof security system.
3) Eliminate Hiding Places
Let’s not give thieves a chance to play hide-and-seek. Having trees and bushes will give your home more privacy, but it also provides handy places for thieves to hide in.
So, be sure to trim down branches or shrubs that could potentially be used by them.
Try not to have bushes near windows, but if you still want them there for aesthetic purposes, ensure your windows are always locked.
Besides that, plant smaller bushes and flowers, so there is no chance of it being used as a hiding spot.
4) Lock Down Your WiFi Network
In this day and age, homes can be robbed without any forced entry. Since everything is going digital, people can actually be robbed through the WiFi!
Some security systems even run on internet access, which means, if they can hack into your WiFi, you’ll be left defenseless.
Other than that, with online banking and access to your home internet, a thief can have access to all sorts of information, robbing you without your knowledge.
Therefore, it is important to make your WiFi password as strong as possible (using a combination of numbers, letters, symbols and special characters) so that it’s near impossible to crack.
The safety of your home and family should be your number one concern.
It is key to keep your home safe from any robbery by hiring Kaodim’s trusted security experts to install security systems that can give you a much needed peace of mind.
This post was contributed by Kaodim.
Kaodim is one of Southeast Asia’s fastest growing local services platform, it is the faster and easier way to hire professional services – from cleaning house to plumbing and more. Hire with confidence on Kaodim, today!
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