The Responsibilities Of A Tenant And A Landlord - The Dos And Don’ts

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The Responsibilities Of A Tenant And A Landlord - The Dos And Don’ts

The Responsibilities Of A Tenant

Being an exemplary tenant is always important as it not only gives the renter a good image, but also because even though the renter is renting the property, it does not belong to them – hence taking care of someone else’s property while utilising it is only the right thing to do.
Among them, here are some of the things a tenant should pay attention to.

1. Look After The Property

This does not mean that the tenant will have to clean the unit (unless stated in the contract) nor do they have to perform any necessary repairs (again unless stated in the contract).
But they should be mindful of trashing the unit, and if there are toddlers around, parents and caretakers should be mindful of the children scribbling on the walls and such.
Cleaning the house

2. Keep The Unit Clean And Take Care Of Provided Appliances

This goes hand-in-hand with taking care of the unit. While it is not necessary to give the unit a good spring cleaning every now and again, the basics such as cleaning the windows, washing the bathrooms and taking out the trash should be a given.
If the unit comes with electrical appliances and furniture, the furnishings should be taken care of and should be in the same condition as they were the day that the tenant moved in.

3. Do Not Make Changes To The Unit Without Permission

While a tenant may think that they are doing the landlord a favour by renovating the unit or repainting it, the landlord may not be as appreciative.
Always consult with your landlord or your agent first before making any changes to the unit, especially if it involves hacking or knocking nails into the wall.
Renovating the house, repainting it to a colour that you prefer or changing the furniture is also not a good idea, unless your landlord has approved of it.
Air conditioner on fire

4. Contact Your Landlord In Case Of Spoiled Appliances

In the event that any of the provided furniture or electrical appliances start malfunctioning, do not attempt to repair it yourself.
Contact your landlord to arrange for repairs, and if they do request you to perform the repairs yourself, do discuss remuneration of the costs before performing the repairs.
Always fix the broken items as they break down, otherwise they may pose a risk to the your security deposit when it is time to move out.

5. Familiarise Yourselves With The Appliances

As technology advances, simple things occasionally become more complicated.
For example, a washing machine may have more buttons than seemingly necessary, while the refrigerator may have odd safety features such as being unable to open for a few seconds immediately after closing the doors.
So in order to avoid spoiling anything unintentionally, familiarise yourself with the appliances before using them.
If you are not sure how to operate an electronic appliance, contact your agent or landlord for guidance.
muslim couple sitting in dining room together

6. Know Thy Neighbours And Be Considerate

Being considerate is especially important for renters who are sharing the unit with others, or for those staying within a quiet neighbourhood.
After all, nobody likes sudden loud noises in the middle of the night, or late night partying next door when they are trying to sleep.
Getting to know your neighbours is also a good thing to do, as they will be able to alert you if there are any unusual activities in your unit when you are not around – and it will also make living in the community that much more comfortable.

The Responsibilities Of A Landlord

As the owner of the property, the Landlord’s job does not just entail collecting the rental – it also includes responsibilities to their tenant.
A good landlord is precious, and will likely never run short of tenants.
Exterior of building

1. Maintain Structure And Exterior Of The Property

While the tenants are expected to keep the unit clean, landlords are expected to ensure that the structure and the exterior of the property is decent.
The walls shouldn’t be mouldy with peeling paint, and the structure should be sound without leaking roofs and ceilings or cracking walls.
The unit is after all home to the tenants now, and they should feel comfortable coming back to their home after a long day at work.

2. Insure The Building Against Fire And Floods

Insuring the building against floods may not be as necessary if the property is situated on high grounds, but insuring the building against fires is a must.
This does not just protect the landlord against unexpected natural disasters, but it will also protect the tenant in case they lose all their belongings.
Smoke alarms should be installed in strategic areas of the building for early warnings of fire disasters.

3. Deal With Issues Related To Water, Electricity And Gas Supplies

Whether or not the tenant is expected to pay the utility bills, the landlord should deal with any problem that arises from these facilities as they will be registered to the owner’s name, not the renter’s name.
The issues will become complicated if the tenant tries to fix the problem, as most of the bodies dealing with these facilities requires the owner themselves to be present when making the complaint.

4. Maintain The Appliances And Furniture

In the event that any of the appliances break down or the furniture requires care, the landlord should be responsible for it – unless the items were blatantly spoiled by the tenant.
Repairs should be carried out on malfunctioning appliances fast, as to not inconvenience the tenant.
The landlord should provide a minimum of 24 hours notice when visiting for repair works or maintenance services, so that the tenant can be present if they so wish to be.

5. Annual Gas Safety Check

In units that utilise gas systems for cooking, the landlord should get officials to carry out inspections annually.
This not only protects the landlord against unforeseen disasters, but will also protect the tenant against gas explosions and other gas related accidents.
For more about renting a property, you may visit our other guides at:
If you are however ready to move on to buying your own property, visit our Complete Guide On Buying A New House In Malaysia
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