If you’re a strong believer in the concept of harmony, feng shui will spark your interest.
This Chinese method of getting individuals in tune with the energy of their surroundings may be centuries old, but is as popular and relevant as ever.
Aiming to bind the universe, earth and humanity (also known as qi) together, feng shui was originally used during the construction of buildings to activate positive energy flows and encourage auspiciousness.
With the help of an energy flow map, also known as a feng shui compass, and knowledge of local geography and astronomy, you’ll be able to determine which areas and properties can benefit your life for the better.
What Are The Benefits Of Feng Shui?
To be clear, feng shui is not a universal remedy for all your problems at home. It won’t fix leaking pipes or cracks in the wall.
But the principles of feng shui can shed light on the energy flow of your home, which are believed to impact certain aspects of your life:
1) Improved Health

While it isn’t a substitute for healthy food and exercise, feng shui principles can improve your quality of sleep, for example.
According to feng shui, your bed should face the door, but not be in line with it, so that you’re able to see the doorway and have a sense of comfort.
Additionally, the head of your bed should be against a wall, but not underneath a window, because energy can flow out of the window.
2) Enhanced Social Connections
Be it your marriage or other close relationships in your life, feng shui can help you enhance your connections with others.
Improvements in relationships can be achieved through two simple steps:
- The first is to choose a property with ample windows in the living room to let in as much sunlight as possible,
- The second is to have several healthy plants, preferably ones with soft round leaves, in your home as these are believed to smooth your connections.
3) Increased Happiness
Another major benefit of feng shui decorating is that it helps to provide balance and vibrant energy.
Encouraging soothing colour palettes in the bedroom, decluttered spaces, meaningful and inspiring artwork and ample natural light, the goal is for your home to:
- Provide a sense of calm, comfort and positive energy that align with your personal characteristics and preferences.
When you come home to a clean space specifically designed to harness natural light and objects that make you happy, it’ll be that much easier to shed the stress of your day and relax.
Easy, DIY Feng Shui Decorating Tips For Your Home
Now that you’re more familiar with the benefits of feng shui, here are a few simple, DIY feng shui recommendations that can be easily incorporated to your home.
1) Remove The Clutter
No matter who you are, ‘stuff’ will spread throughout your house over time. Instead of accepting the piles of clutter stacked on pieces of furniture and in closet as necessary chaos, get organised and tidy up!
Go through everything, find its appropriate place or decide whether its time to throw it away.
This process is not only a very therapeutic activity, but will also encourage positive and harmonious energy flow, according to feng shui.
2) Ensure Air And Light Flow
Light and air are two of the most important factors within feng shui.
When purchasing a home or looking for a place to rent, keep these elements in mind while you’re looking, and do your best to find a space within your budget that will allow for a maximum amount of natural light and air flow.
But if you decide to incorporate feng shui after you’ve moved in, you still can ensure it’s well-lit with air circulating regularly through all rooms without a major renovation – simply open the windows and let in some fresh air daily.
3) Bring The Outdoors Inside
Placing greenery inside your home can have a positive effect on your well-being and reduce your stress – and not only according to feng shui.
Combined with good light in your home, indoor plants bring in fresh air, life that benefits the energy flow, and the addition of oxygen to your living areas and overall space.
Furthermore, the colour green is important when it comes to balancing your feng shui home, and house plants are an easy way to incorporate the hue.
4) Find A Balance With Colour
The five elements of feng shui – earth, wood, metal, fire and water – are associated with a certain colour or shade.
To find and achieve a balance between these elements, you can leverage the use of colour.
So, instead of your home being dominated by a certain colour, try to balance it with others by keeping in mind which colours are associated with which elements:
- Earth = yellow, beige and brown
- Wood = green
- Metal = white, gold, silver
- Fire = red, orange, purple, pink
- Water = black and dark blue
For example, if your bedroom is painted white (metal), you can add some balance with yellow (earth) candles (fire), some plants (earth) and a blue painting (water) on the wall.
Feng Shui Tips For Buying A Property
When the time comes for you to purchase a new property, keeping the principles of feng shui in mind can be beneficial in helping you find a place that will not just be a house, but a home where you feel comfortable and at peace.
Here are the things you should consider:
1) Quality Of Energy
It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what this means if you’re not very familiar with the principles of feng shui.
However, trust your instincts and the overall feeling you get when viewing a property. "Do you get good vibes? Are you feeling unsure about it?"
If you like a place, but aren’t certain if it’s right and you truly want to be certain your new home has good energy, employ a feng shui expert and bring them with you to the viewing.
An expert will usually bring along a feng shui compass and will advise you on how well-suited a particular house might be for you.
2) Floor Level
If you’re purchasing an apartment, the feng shui rule regarding which floor level is best is simple: the higher the better!
As there are fewer people and objects (literally) sitting above you on higher floors, the energy can flow better through your house.
For example, an apartment on the sixth floor of a low-rise building is better than the sixth floor of a high-rise block.
Keep this basic feng shui rule in mind when buying (or renting) a property in Malaysia.
3) Other Things To Keep In Mind:
- Units with regular shapes are better than odd-sized apartments.
- Try to avoid units directly facing the elevator (as elevators trap many kinds of energies).
- Roads and traffic should flow to and away from your house and not point directly at the building.
Other Feng Shui Tips For Your Home This Year!
As feng shui is all about energy flow, it’s important to understand how to encourage it.
A feng shui compass helps you in determining which area of your house benefit most from which flow of energy. Here are a few more tips on how to leverage all of that energy this year.
1) For Encouraging Prosperous Relationships
The southwest side of your home will be the most important part of your house when it comes to nurturing relationships.
One way to activate this energy flow is through flowing water. Whether it’s a fish tank or a small fountain, be sure that the water is not stagnant in the southwest-facing end of your apartment.
2) For Good Luck In Business
In feng shui, everything we want to achieve in life comes from the help of other benevolent people.
To unlock the energy that invites such help – known as the ‘nobleman luck’ in feng shui – you should focus on the southeast-facing part of your home (and office).
So, do all your planning, thinking and business-related work in that part of your home.
3) For Improving Your Health & Vitality
Health is one of the most important aspects of our lives.
To ensure both your physical and mental health are maintained, avoid the south-facing area of your home at all costs!
If, however, it’s a main part of your home and you’re not able to avoid, then place heavy metal objects made of brass, copper, bronze, iron, or pewter in here to minimise the negative effects.
4) For Success And Wealth
In order to maximise the flow of success and wealth in your life, focus your attention to the northeast and northwest-facing areas of your home.
By sprucing up those rooms and spaces, you’ll be sending out energy that you’ll hopefully get back in the form of increased success this year, best of luck!
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