summary July 2021

As reports of COVID-19 cases have seen an alarming increase and with the announcement of EMCO recently, we hope you’re keeping safe and staying active as we ride through this wave.    

With our daily lives changing gradually and businesses finding new ways to rise above the challenge, let’s look at how this has impacted property seekers’ behaviour.   

When to Focus Your Listings  

In our previous article, we observed property seekers being the most active on Mondays followed closely by Tuesdays in the month of May.  

Looking at internal data from 1st June to 4th July 2021, Tuesdays has the highest search volume.  

Below graph also shows relatively high activity across the week from Wednesdays to Sundays. 

days july 2021

Comparatively, time of the day remains unchanged from last month – with property seekers continuing to start property shopping from 10AM and holding strong till 4PM, then taking a dinner break between 5PM-6PM and going up again between 7PM-10PM.  

time july 2021


Where to Focus Your Listings 

Now that you know what time of the day property seekers are most active, let’s zoom into which areas are in demand.  

Here’s a breakdown of Top 10 Hot Spots respectively for Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang and Johor based on highest search volume from 1st to 30th June 2021. 

Kuala Lumpur 

KL july 2021


selagor july 2021


penang july 2021


Johor july 2021

TIP! Monitor your listing performance, total spending, keep track of competition and more withour enhanced Listing Performance Insights. Check it out here 

We hope you found this article useful. Stay tuned to our next update and stay safe! 

Being a better partner for you, 
PropertyGuru Group