Optimising your Ad Credit spend is all part of being a successful property agent in this digital era, and it’s especially important during this challenging period.  

Today, as continuation of our GuruCares initiative, we’re sharing some tips on knowing when to spend your Ad Credits and on what you can spend them on! 

Know When People are Online

When property seekers are online, that’s when you want your listings to rank on top! So this is when you can invest your Ad Credits to repost and spotlight your listings. 

Don’t forget to achieve 100% Listing Quality Score too!  
Want to know how? Find out from our Help Article: Ensure a High Listing Quality Score. 

Let’s take a look at listings – which day of the week do they get the highest number of visits? 


From research done over the past 3 months, we’ve found that Tuesday and Wednesday is the clear winner when it comes to property seeker visits! Thursday is then followed closely by Friday, Sunday and Monday. Interestingly, Saturday seems to be the day when property seekers are least active.  

Now the next question would be – what time of the day are property seekers most active?  


Based on the same research, we’ve found that property seekers have the highest activity between 12PM to 3PM (probably doing some home searching during lunchtime) and they slowly start to taper off during the day.  

If you’d like to ensure that your listings are reposted at strategic dates and times, don’t forget you can always schedule an Auto-Repost and Auto-Spotlight.

Understand What Each Listing Needs

Every listing is unique and what one listing needs might not be the same for another.  

The way to understanding and diagnosing each individual listing is by looking at your Listings Performance Insights.

listing performance1 123

Just by looking at your listings’ success numbers along with the tips provided, you’ll be able to make better decisions on what listing actions you should carry out!  

You can find out more details on how to improve your listings’ performances in this Help Article. 

Make Full Use of This Time! 

Log into your AgentNet and start strategising your Ad Credit spend now! 


Stay tuned for more weekly tips and insights to support you through COVID-19!  

Agent partners, we are standing by you. Let’s take care of each other.

#KitaJagaKita #GuruCares #PGMYStandByYou 

-PropertyGuru Team

Check out your COVID-19 Resource Guide to see the relief measures, latest webinars and articles available to you! 

Sign up for your free webinar sessions available on PropertyGuru Academy! 

Other articles on GuruCares initiative for agent partners: 

Lyna Soong
Apr 08, 2020
Thks for u info